From Inscribed Worlds to Non-Euclidean Geometry: Q&A with Roman Bezrukavnikov
SigmaCamp is continuing the Q&A with Sigma lecturers series!
Our next lecture will be on Friday, May 8:
From Inscribed Worlds to Non-Euclidean Geometry: History and Geometry of Kepler's Laws
by Roman Bezrukavnikov
Download lecture poster
Kepler laws of planetary motion is a mathematically elegant statement that had a tremendous impact on development of modern science. The apparatus of calculus studied in an undergraduate math class allows to deduce them quickly from Newton's laws but that derivation does not match the statement of the laws in elegance and transparency. I will talk about the history of Kepler laws and a geometric way to derive them.
About the lecturer:
Roman Bezrukavnikov is a mathematics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the chief research fellow at the HSE International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics who specializes in representation theory and algebraic geometry.
How it Works
- View lecture. The lecture is posted below; you can view it at any time before the Q&A session. Or, if you prefer, join us for the group viewing of the lecture by joining our Zoom meeting at 3pm on Friday, May 8
- Submit questionsIf you have viewed the lecture in advance, think of the questions you would like to ask the lecturer. If you can, submit the questions in advance by using this spreadsheet; this will allow us to select the most interesting questions.
- Join Q&A session. At 4pm EST on May 8, join our zoom meeting to ask questions or just chat with the lecturer. One of Sigma Camp faculty will act as the moderator.
- In addition to the recording of the lecture, you might also find these accompanying pictures useful.
Please note that this lecture is open for everyone; feel free to invite your friends!