Workshops 2022


Natalie Butkevich Fun with Watercolor!
Iana Podobedov Friendship Bracelets
Samuel Rosner Can we solve climate change? A discussion
Sophia Abanov What I do at a Trading Firm
Joel Brook and Maya Smith See How Glasses Work
Luigia Than and Pina Than Kumihimo
Lena Yakubovskaya What is in my blood?
David Bershadsky Making Quantum Dots
Yavor Litchev Science and US History Trivia
Alec Douglas Chemical Glassware
Nikita Khesin Learn Morse Code
Nestor Tkachenko Pitch to a startup investor and learn how to raise $1 million with just an idea
Mark Shapiro Learn Shorthand
Andrey Boris Khesin Time Travel Chess: A Surprisingly Reasonable Game (Not the 5D one!)
Stasya Selizhuk Make Your Own pH Indicator (Junior Instructor Challenge)
Cavon Hajimiri Superconductors: Levitating Magnets and Zero Resistance! (Junior Instructor Challenge)


Adam Smith Juggling for Clumsy People
Andrey Boris Khesin Wizards, Hats, Fireworks, and The Axiom of Choice: How the World’s Best Logicians Play the World's Best Logic Game
Katya Donetski and Iana Podobedov Boomerangs
Nastia Zhurikina and Nestor Tkachenko Molecular Gastronomy
Anna Rosner Make your own wireless LEDs!
Arina Nikitina Polymer Clay Fun and Science
Yavor Litchev Under the Hood: The Innovations Behind Modern Cars
Sophia and Helmut Strey Welding for Dummies
Sofya Raskhodnikova Rubik's Cube
Alec Douglas Chemical Glassware
Alexander Kirillov Learn to solder SMD components
Alina Aminova Strings: When Math and Art Meet
Anar Amgalan and Zofii Kaczmarek Cognitive testing: does chocolate help you?
Sasha Portnoy Higher Further Faster (Junior Instructor Challenge)
Natalia Ulbin and Mallika Singh Solving a Murder using Biological Macromolecules and Food Science (Junior Instructor Challenge)
Ari Polterovich The Art of the Smoothie (Junior Instructor Challenge)


Alexey Tatarinov Intro to OpenGL
Maya Smith pH Through Color-Changing Drinks
Sofiya Filippova Balancing Act
Lev Bershadsky Stream Music without the Internet
Daniil Lukin How liquid crystal displays work
Sofya Raskhodnikova Mathemagical tricks
Alec Douglas Chemical Glassware
Tarika Mane How to solve a math game
Iris Brook The Art of Fractals
Alexander Kirillov Learn to solder SMD components
Nestor Tkachenko Censorship - A Debate
Michelle Roitgarts Why Do We Buy Stuff? Exploring Neuromarketing
Anar Amgalan and Zofii Kaczmarek Cognitive testing: does chocolate help you?
Timothy Pinkhassik Make your own ink
Boyan Litchev An Introduction to the Complex World (Junior Instructor Challenge)
Dina Black Dyson Spheres: Our Road to Infinite Energy (Junior Instructor Challenge)


Adam Smith Cryptography with Playing Cards
Anna Rosner Make your own speaker!
Melissa Guidry Build an AM Radio Receiver
Andrew Mata What is AI?
Yura Salkinder Data Science of Soccer
Jaime Ide Shogi: the Japanese Chess
Alec Douglas Chemical Glassware
Anat Dubinsky Sparks Fly
Sanjana Rao Make your own virus!
Nikolai Styrkas Mystery Bottles
Evgenii Boruchkine Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Alina Aminova Paper lanterns
Anar Amgalan and Zofii Kaczmarek Cognitive testing: does chocolate help you?
Mark Lukin Perfume
Matan Strey Chinese Yo-Yo fun
Timothy Pinkhassik and Eugene Pinkhassik Build a Breathalyzer
Jonathan Tetry Supercooling Water (Junior Instructor Challenge)
Jason Lin Sticky Note Origami (Junior Instructor Challenge)
Matvey Borodin Group Theory: Number Theory Without the Numbers (Junior Instructor Challenge)


Boris Barron A smart home starts with smart lights
Katya Donetski MindFlex
Nikita Podobedov and Santiago Franco Rockets and Propulsion
Pina Than and Luigia Than The Missing Ingredient
Anna Rosner Make your own wireless LEDs!
Andrey Boris Khesin Wedding Cake and Divorces: A Guide to Fair Division
Alex Frenkel The Big Four: Why Sophia is Wrong About Tennis
Alec Douglas Chemical Glassware
Daniel Salkinder Science Fair
Alexander Suponya What's That Sound?
Alina Aminova Light art installation for the SigmaCamp closing ceremony
Anar Amgalan and Zofii Kaczmarek Cognitive testing: does chocolate help you?
Eugene Pinkhassik Secrets of chromatography
Vicka Bershadsky Camera Obscura
Ethan Abelev Build your own musical instrument with physics! (Junior Instructor Challenge)