Submitting POM solutions
To participate in Problem of the Month contest, you must have an account on SigmaCamp website. If you have applied for SigmaCamp in 2019 or later (whether or not you were accepted), or participated in POM in 2019-20 or later, you can use that account - there is no need to create a new one. Otherwise, you need to create an account,. To create an account, please click on the link below and fill the registration form.
After registering, you can login to your account by clicking on Login link at the bottom right corner of any page on the site.
Submitting solutions
All solutions must be submitted online. Handwritten solutions can be scanned (please save the scans in PDF format) and then submitted online. Solutions for every subject must be saved as a separate file; you can submit them independently of each other (so you can submit solutions for one subject earlier than the other). Starting from September 2024, the only allowed file format is PDF, with the exception of Python (.py) or Java (.java) files for CS.
To submit a solution, login to your account, and scroll down to the bottom of your account profile page - you should see links for submitting solutions there. Alternatively, just click on the link below:
You can return to your submitted solution and add a file for a different subject at any time until the deadline.
Viewing grades
To view your grades, login and then go to your account profile (you should be redirected there automatically after logging in; you can also visit your profile at any time by clicking on My profile in the menu on the left). All your posted solutions and grades are listed there. You can click on any grade to read the graders comments.