What is genetic engineering? Simply put, you take a gene of some protein, introduce it into a new organism, and this organism starts to produce this foreign protein as if it were its own. Millions of diabetes patients use insulin prepared in that way. During this advanced level semilab, we will do the same trick using a gene of GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) as an example. We will prepare a DNA molecule that carries the GFP gene, and make bacteria produce this protein. Thanks to its indigenous fluorescence, the presence of GFP can be tracked with bare eye throughout all the procedures following protein expression. We will then purify GFP, enjoy its fluorescence, and analyze GFP's properties. During this 5 days experimental course you will learn many different laboratory techniques and many scientific aspects of modern medicine. To save our time for all experiments, you will be provided (in advance) with necessary reading materials that you need to read, to understand and answer some questions before the camp started.
From Gene to Protein
Difficulty level: