You may have heard about the wave-particle duality — that in the quantum world objects can exhibit both particle and wave properties. This concept of duality is neither very descriptive nor accurate, and serves more than anything else to inspire the sense of the “magic” of quantum mechanics. The reality is actually much more subtle, rich, and fascinating.
In this semilab we will be using optics to learn about quantum mechanics. Wave phenomena are at the heart of quantum mechanics, and there is no wave phenomenon that we know how to control better than that of classical light. In this semilab, using professional optical laboratory equipment, we will reproduce seminal experiments in optics and realize complex all-optical signal processing (Fourier transforms) using light waves.
We will then study the matrix representation of quantum mechanics, allowing us to understand the quantum bit “qubit” mathematically, and observe the analog of quantum measurement in classical optics.
Finally, we will take a leap into the theory of quantum optics, and learn what it means for light to be quantum mechanical. We will learn operator notation for light (second quantization), understand the tremendous energy of the vacuum, and discover exotic quantum states of light. By the end of the course we will take the full circle through the “wave-particle duality” and appreciate the wonders of quantum mechanics.
Prerequisites: Trigonometry