Academic Program 2017

We have a very intensivе scientific program in SigmaCamp, covering  Math, Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science...) and Engineering (microporocessors, robotics,...).


Every morning right after breakfast you will go to one of the day's Lectures – informal presentations given by actively working specialists in different areas of science and math. You will be able to choose between 3 or 4 different lectures that will all be running simultaneously. We encourage you to attend lectures from different disciplines – it might surprise you how tightly interconnected math, physics, chemistry, and biology are!

List of lectures for SC 2017 is now available: Lectures 2017.



The main part of our academic program are the Semilabs, where theoretical (Seminar) and practical (Lab) parts are combined into 90-minute session. Each semilab is a course, running for the five “regular” days of camp. You will choose 2 semilabs to attend.

The list of semilabs for 2017 has now been posted (subject to change).


Sigma Tournament

The Sigma tournament is our traditional team problem-solving tournament, which features problems from Math and Physics, Biology and Linguistics.

You can see a sample of the Sigma Tournament problems from 2014.



We want to encourage you to explore a great variety of science and math topics – those you were always interested in, and those you never knew existed. In our daily workshops, you will get a chance to grow your own “Silicate Gardens”, learn the art of glass blowing, play math games with counselors, and launch your own rocket. Try a different workshop every day!

To give you a taste of the variety of workshops we prepare each year, here is a list of Workshops we had in SigmaCamp 2015.


Junior Instructor Challenge and Experiment of the day

We offer the campers a chance to share their knowledge with other campers. This year, as before, there will be two programs for this: Junior instructor Challenge, in which the campers would lead some classes for younger children (not yet campers themselves), and Experiment of the day, in which campers would demonstrate for the whole camp some science experiment they really like .