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SigmaCamp 2023: Academic Program

We have a very intensive scientific program at SigmaCamp, covering math, science (biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science), and engineering (microprocessors, robotics, etc.).


The core of our academic program are Semilabs, where theoretical (Seminar) and practical (Lab) parts are combined into a 1.5-hour session every day. Each semilab course runs for five out of seven days of our camp. You will attend 2 semilabs during the program, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.



Every day after the first Semilab, you will go to one of the day's Lectures – informal presentations given by specialists in different areas of math and science. You will be able to choose between five different lectures every day that will all be running simultaneously. One lecture among them will be given by a guest speaker. The Guest Lecture Program offers students and staff the opportunity to meet and interact with other distinguished scientists, to further expand the diversity of scientific topics covered at Sigma, and to build a wider Sigma community. We encourage you to attend lectures from different disciplines – it might surprise you how tightly interconnected math, physics, chemistry, and biology are!


SigmaTournament is a fun yet intellectually rigorous daily problem-solving competition in which teams face challenges from various scientific fields. The tournament includes Math Games and Engineering challenges, offering a diverse array of problems to test participants’ skills. Each day brings new scientific themes, leading up to the Grand Unification Day, where teams tackle interdisciplinary problems that span all the sciences. The tournament fosters collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity, making it an exciting and enriching experience for all participants.


We want to encourage you to explore a great variety of science and math topics – those you were always interested in, and those you never knew existed. In our workshops, you will get a chance to grow your own “Silicate Gardens”, learn the art of glass blowing, play math games with counselors, and launch your own rocket. Try a different workshop every day!

Junior Instructor Challenge and Experiment of the Day

We offer the campers a chance to share their knowledge with other campers. This year, as before, there will be two programs for this: Junior Instructor Challenge, in which campers lead workshops for other campers, and Experiment of the Day, in which campers demonstrate for the whole camp some science experiment they really like.