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February 29, 2020
End of Problem of the Month 2019-20 Season


Problem of the Month 2019-20 has come to an end! Congratulations to the winners of this PoM Season!

Winners in Category 5 (8th grade and below) are:

1. The First place and a $100 Amazon gift card are awarded to Jacob Binder (241 points)...

October 28, 2019
Taste of Sigma event in Stony Brook

On Nov 10, 2019, we are holding our first "Taste of Sigma" event at Simons Center for Geometry and Physics of Stony Brook University. During the event you will attend a lecture by our faculty Tatiana Pyatina (same one she gave at SigmaCamp 2019), meet Sigma Faculty and board members (so you...

August 21, 2019
SigmaCamp 2019 has ended

Dear friends:
SC 2019 is now over; the Spirit of Sigma has been sealed in a glass vessel to wait until next year.
If you haven't yet done so, please check out the collection of photos created by our photographers, lead by Natalia Ilina:

August 09, 2019
Communication during camp

Dear parents:
in these last days before the camp and during camp, we will be sending reminders and announcements to you by email, using the email address you provided during registration. Please make sure to check this email frequently!
We will also be posting updates on our...