The Junior Counselor application can be found here. We look forward to your applications
The Junior Counselor application can be found here. We look forward to your applications
Quantum computing and computer vision, gene sequencing and chemistry of fire, robotics and making sense of data... all this and much more!
Find the full list here.
Note: the list is subject to change.
The next Young Educators and Scientists Lecture will be given by Alex Frenkel on May 5th at 6pm EST in a hybrid format, on Zoom and at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University. The Lecture is titled: Gravity, Holography, and Black Hole Information
Thanks to everyone who applied!
We will grade the Qualifying Quiz solutions, read through essays and recommendation letters, and notify you about the admission decisions by May 5.
The next Young Educators and Scientists Lecture will be given by Andrey Khesin on April 4th at 6pm EST at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University. The Lecture is titled: Multi-Dimensional Weirdness, Watermelon Scams, And Why πe > 8 Is My Favourite Inequality...
Please visit SC 2022 page for details.
Application deadline is April 15
Application to SC 2022 opens today at 9 pm EST. Deadline to submit your application is April 15, 2022.
Full instructions will be posted at SC 2022page
The 2021-2022 Problem of the Month season has come to an end. We thank everyone for participation, and would like to congratulate our winners:
Winners in Category 5 (8th grade and below):
1. The First place and a $100 Amazon gift card are awarded to
– Daniil...
The recording from the first lecture by Arina Nikitina is now available! The next lecture, by Alexander Suponya titled Uncanny Valley: When Will Robots Learn To Speak Our Language? will take place on January 14th, at 6 PM EST at the Simons Center. For more details...