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May 16, 2020
Clone of Q&A with Sigma Lecturers: Duality in Physics

SigmaCamp continues Q&A sessions with Sigma Lecturers. Then next Q&A with Steven Skiena will take place via Zoom on May 19th at 2pm EST:

Data Science, Computer Science, and Real Science
by Steven Skiena

Please visit for...

May 12, 2020
Q&A with Sigma Lecturers: Duality in Physics

SigmaCamp continues Q&A sessions with Sigma Lecturers. Then net Q&A with Sergei Razamat will take place via Zoom on May 14th at 4pm EST:

Duality in Physics
by Sergei Razamat

Please visit for details.

May 10, 2020
SigmaCamp 2020 Goes Virtual

On behalf of the Sigma Staff, we are delighted to share with you that SigmaCamp 2020 is going virtual! We are working on retaining many aspects of the traditional Sigma experience, while taking advantage of new opportunities. We are excited about how the program is taking shape, and will share...

May 05, 2020
Q&A with Sigma Lecturers

The opening lecture and Q&A on freedom of speech by Nadine Strossen was a big success last week. The next Q&A session will take place via Zoom on May 8th at 4pm EST:

From Inscribed Worlds to Non-Euclidean Geometry: History and Geometry of Kepler's Laws
by Roman...

April 25, 2020
Q&A with Sigma Lecturers

This Spring, Sigma Camp is starting a new feature: Q&A with Sigma Lecturers.

We have made recordings of some of the lectures given at SigmaCamp 2019. Now, for the first time, we are making these recordings available for those who missed it in August 2019! Moreover, the lecturers have...

March 30, 2020
COVID19 update and deadline change

Dear Sigma Campers and Families,

In this uncertain and trying time SigmaCamp is thinking about all of you and your loved ones and wishes you all good health.

No one can know now what the world will look like in August of this year. However, we are hopeful that by that time the...

March 06, 2020
SigmaCamp and COVID-19

The recent outbreak of novel coronavirus COVID-19 has disrupted international travel, events and programs worldwide and left many parents and students worried about the possibility of cancellation of summer programs such as SigmaCamp.

At the moment, we are expecting to operate the camp as...

March 01, 2020
Postponed: Taste of Sigma March 8th event


On Sunday, March 8, 5 PM at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook University, we are holding our Spring "Taste of Sigma" event. It will be an evening full of Science and Math demonstrations and activities for children and adults of all ages...