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February 28, 2023
Problem of the Month 2022-23 Season is Over

The 2022-2023 Problem of the Month season has come to an end.  We thank everyone for participation, and would like to congratulate our winners:

Winners in Category 5 (8th grade and below):

1. The Firs​​t place and a $100 Amazon gift card are awarded to

– Elizabeth...

January 22, 2023
Lecture on Defensive Programming

Sunday, January 22, at 3PM EST, the Computer Science Problem of the Month team will be hosting a lecture on defensive programming! Come learn about how to design code to handle any unexpected test cases that are thrown at it and make it as robust as possible. No advanced computer science...

October 08, 2022
SIgmaCamp SCREEM Halloween Event 2022

We are excited to welcome you to the 2nd annual Sigma Campers’ REcreational Engineering Marathon (SCREEM), an in-person event at Stony Brook, NY, on October 29, 2022. Please visit for more details.

September 30, 2022
Computer Science Lecture on October 2nd

If you’re interested in coding and would like to learn more, the Problem of the Month Computer Science team is offering an introductory computer science lecture this Sunday, October 2nd, from 3:00 - 4:15 PM EST.
It will consist of three 20-minute time blocks, during which three sessions...

September 19, 2022
Problem of the Month 2022-2023 is Open

We are excited to announce the beginning of SigmaCamp’s Problem of the Month 2022-2023 season! "Problem of the Month” (PoM) is an online multidisciplinary STEM competition that is open to everyone who is in 10th grade or younger, regardless of what state/country they live in. The goal of the PoM...